1.3 The Challenges of Big Data

Data Skepticism

This week’s readings discuss some challenges of big data and how they’re used. They also discuss privacy concerns about use of our digital data and why you should care about it.


  1. O’Neil, C. On Being a Data Skeptic. O’Reilly Press. 2014

  2. Noble, S. Algorithms of Oppression, Introduction. NYU Press. 2018.

  3. Payton, T. and Claypoole T. Privacy in the Age of Big Data. 2023.**Note: Follow hyperlink, then select “Click to preview” above the image of the book. Read the Introduction and Chapter 1, p. 1-26; Note that the last page is missing from this free source.)


Address the following in Discussion 2

  1. Using all three of this week’s readings, describe the challenges of big data that you feel are urgent to address by the public and why.

  2. What issues do the authors address that you don’t feel are urgent? Why?

Discussion posts are the primary assessment of your understanding and critical assessment of readings. You must reference the readings analyzed in your posts using in-text APA style. Posts should range between 400-500 words.

Due by: 9/10 11:59 pm EST


You are assigned to a small discussion group this week. Read the posts of your peers and critique two group members’ concern/lack of concern about big data. Is the concern outweighed by the benefits of the data/its use? What’s missing from your peers’ argument?

Due by: 9/14 11:59 pm EST