Written Assignment Rubrics

Rubric Name: Grading Rubric_Written Assignment

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Insufficient
Assignment Specific Grading Items

40 points

Assignment instructions are followed.

Required items and formatting are addressed comprehensively and accurately.

35 points

Assignment instructions are mostly followed.

Required items and formatting are addressed accurately.

30 points

Assignment instructions largely are not followed or don’t address many requirements.

20 points

Assignment instructions are not followed or attempts are largely inaccurate.

Critical Analysis (Understanding of Topic)

40 points

Content displays excellent comprehension, application, and/or analysis of the topic and underlying concepts.

Includes correct use of terminology.

35 points

Content presents basic comprehension, application, and/or analysis of the topic and underlying concepts.

Includes correct use of terminology.

30 points

Content presents little to no comprehension, application, and/or analysis of the topic and underlying concepts.

Includes incorrect use of terminology.

20 points

Content presents no comprehension, application, and/or analysis of the topic and underlying concepts.

Integrates no relevant evidence to support important points.

Writing & Clarity

20 points

Writing is clear, well-written and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Required citations are included and correct.

15 points

Writing is clear, with a few grammatical and spelling mistakes. Required citations are included and correct.

10 points

Writing is clear but there are many spelling and grammatical mistakes. Required citations are incorrect or some are missing.

5 points

Writing is unclear or diff