class: center middle main-title section-title-5 # Getting started with<br>R and RStudio .class-info[ <figure> <img src="img/02/RStudio-min.png" alt="RStudio" title="RStudio" width="15%"> </figure> ] --- class: middle[ .box-inv-5.sp-after[The engine] <figure> <img src="img/02/Rlogo-min.png" alt="R logo" title="R logo" width="80%"> </figure> ][ .box-inv-5.sp-after[The dashboard] <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-logo-min.png" alt="RStudio logo" title="RStudio logo" width="100%"> </figure> ] --- class: middle section-title-inv-5 .box-5.large[A tour of RStudio] --- .center[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-initial-min.png" alt="RStudio" title="RStudio" width="80%"> </figure> ] --- class: title title-5 # Console .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-console-min.png" alt="RStudio console" title="RStudio console" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5[R is awaiting your instructions] .box-inv-5[Type code here, press enter, and R will run it] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-console-min.png" alt="RStudio console" title="RStudio console" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[Type `2 + 2`<br>in the console] .box-5[Press enter] ] --- ```r 2 + 2 ``` ``` ## [1] 4 ``` .box-5[This is ephemeral though.<br>If you want to run this again, you'll have to type it again.] .box-5[Store R code in a document instead] --- class: title title-5 # Files pane .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-files-min.png" alt="RStudio files panel" title="RStudio files panel" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5[All the files in your current working directory] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-files-min.png" alt="RStudio files pane" title="RStudio files pane" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[Find `01_getting-started.qmd`] .box-5[Click on its name to open the file] ] --- class: title title-5 # Source pane[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-editor-min.png" alt="RStudio source panel" title="RStudio source panel"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5[Documents<br>open here] ] --- class: title title-5 # Quarto[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-example-min.png" alt="RStudio Quarto document" title="RStudio Quarto document" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5[Document format<br>that combines<br>text and code] .box-inv-5[Acts like a<br>notebook for<br>your analysis] ] --- class: title title-5 # Quarto .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-text-min.png" alt="RStudio Quarto text" title="RStudio Quarto text" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5.medium[Text] ] --- class: title title-5 # Quarto .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-code-min.png" alt="RStudio Quarto code" title="RStudio Quarto code" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5.medium[Text] .box-inv-5.medium[Code] ] --- class: title title-5 # Quarto .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-output-min.png" alt="RStudio Quarto output" title="RStudio Quarto output" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-inv-5.medium[Text] .box-inv-5.medium[Code] .box-inv-5.medium[Output] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-code-min.png" alt="RStudio Quarto code" title="RStudio Quarto code" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[Read the<br>instructions] .box-5[Run the code chunk<br>by clicking the play button] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .box-5[Add a new chunk] .box-5[Put `2 + 2` in the chunk and run it] --- class: title title-5 # Render .box-inv-5[Render a Quarto document into a standalone shareable file] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/02/quarto-render-min.png" alt="RStudio render button" title="RStudio render button" width="70%"> </figure> ] --- class: title title-5 # Quarto .box-inv-5.sp-after[The best way to combine R code and narrative] .box-5[We'll use it throughout the workshop] .box-5[I'll provide starter code] .box-5[You'll complete "Your turns"] .box-5[In the end, you'll have an annotated record for yourself] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .box-5[Spot the difference:] ```r filter(mtcars, cyl == 4) ``` ```r four_cyls <- filter(mtcars, cyl == 4) ``` .box-5[Find these chunks in the notebook and run them.<br>What's different about what happens?] --- class: title title-5 # Assignment .box-inv-5[`<-` assigns the output from the righthand side to a variable with the name on the lefthand side] ```r four_cyls <- filter(mtcars, cyl == 4) ``` --- class: title title-5 # Environment pane .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-environment-min.png" alt="RStudio environment pane" title="RStudio environment pane" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[List of all the<br>variables you've created] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .box-5[Find `four_cyls` in the environment pane.<br>Click on the name `four_cyls`] .box-5[What happens?] --- class: title title-5 # Viewer .pull-left-wide[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-viewer-min.png" alt="RStudio viewer" title="RStudio viewer" width="100%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[Clicking on an object in the environment panel opens it an interactive viewer tab] ] --- class: title title-5 # Functions .center[ <code class ='r hljs remark-code'>four_cyls <- <b><span style="background-color:#FFDFD1">filter</span></b>(mtcars, cyl == 4)</code> ] .box-inv-5[Functions do things] -- .box-inv-5[Functions take arguments, output results] -- .box-inv-5[If you want to keep the output, assign it to a variable] --- class: title title-5 # Help .box-inv-5[To look up the help page for an R function,<br>type this in the console:] .center[ ```r ?function_name ``` ] .box-5.small[(Or google it!)] --- class: title title-5 # Help pane[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-help-min.png" alt="RStudio help pane" title="RStudio help pane" width="70%"> </figure> ] .pull-right-narrow[ .box-5[These help pages prove details about the arguments you can supply a function] .box-5[Often full of examples<br>at the bottom] ] --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .box-5[Look at the help page for `seq`] .box-5[Add a chunk that uses `seq()` to create a<br>list of numbers from 5 to 100, spaced by 5<br>.small[(so 5, 10, 15, 20, …)]]
--- ```r seq(from = 5, to = 100, by = 5) ``` ``` ## [1] 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 ``` --- class: title title-5 # Common syntax problem #1 .box-inv-5[Missing closing parentheses or quotes] ```r mean(mtcars ``` ```r "Oops this is wrong ``` --- class: title title-5 # Common syntax problem #2 .box-inv-5[Surrounding something in quotes when it should be (or vice versa)] ```r mean("mtcars") ``` ``` ## Warning in mean.default("mtcars"): argument is not numeric or logical: returning NA ``` ``` ## [1] NA ``` --- class: title title-5 section-title-inv-5 # Your turn .box-5[There are three chunks under "Syntax gone wrong"] .box-5[Run each, read the error message, and try to fix the syntax] --- class: title title-5 # Cheatsheets .box-inv-5[Go to Help > Cheatsheets to find quick<br>reference guides to different packages] .center[ <figure> <img src="img/02/rstudio-cheatsheet-min.png" alt="RStudio cheatsheet" title="RStudio cheatsheet" width="40%"> </figure> ] --- class: title title-5 # Next up .box-inv-5.medium[Data basics]